Saturday, June 23, 2012

Busy Day in Beijing

I talked to Kevin and Lauren this evening. They were just starting their morning. They had a very busy day yesterday. They were able to go to Morningstsr, the medical orphanage run by Christian Americans. They had a great time playing with the children there and seeing how well cared for and happy they are. If you are interested in this mission look them up. They are amazing. Then they went to a bell tower and another kind of tower (I can't remember) where they climbed up and then had a tea ceremony. Lauren said it was very interesting and they we able to taste several different types. THEN they went to the Great Wall. Since it is a 3 day holiday weekend there, the wall was packed and for some reason Lauren said it was 3 times as smoggy as last year. After all that climbing, they slept well and are en route to ChaoYang now. They are hoping that the orphanage director meets them at the airport so they can go straight to the orphanage. Otherwise, they may have to wait until tomorrow. That's all for tonight. Thank you for praying for my precious husband and daughter!


  1. Hello, My name is Francine, we and a team went through Visiting Orphans last year at this time to visit orphanages also. Here is THE MOST AMAZING part! We are now adopting a little boy from China and he is at Morning Star! We LOVE the foster home he has been able to spend his little life. Here is something even MORE amazing, we live right across the river from St. Louis in Columbia, IL!!!

    We hope to leave the first of August to get him, there his name is Zhou Zjian they call him JinJin or for security reasons, Joshua. If they have downloaded any pictures, we would LOVE to see them. You may follow our blog on

    Blessings and safe journey for your family.


  2. Francine- I just saw this comment. The notifications have been going to Lauren and she can't get to her email right now. What a small world! I just looked at your blog- Zander is such a cutie with his chubby cheeks and dimple! Kevin and Lauren were only there for a couple of hours and I don't know if they met him. They have not been able to post pictures and I don't think the pictures from the other team members included him. We also have a bit of a spread in our family, though not quite as big as yours. We have Rob -20, Lauren- almost 18, Katherine - 12 and Andrew -8 (from Guangdong China). I will be praying that you can get to China quickly to bring that precious boy home!
