Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lauren's Night Life

Hi everybody, it's Lauren.

Last night we went to the town square place that's around this old pagoda. This is where everyone hangs out every night. It was crazy! There were people swing dancing, break dancing, and slow dancing, and some other people marching around the pagoda because they say that if you go around 1 million times you add 1 year to your life:) The thing with Chaoyang is that they don't usually get white visitors so we're a big deal to them, it's really funny! We were just walking around and people kept stopping us and asking us to take pictures with them or forcing their kids to take pics with us. We were also handing out glow sticks and silly bands to the kids and they love them! Today was a great day at the orphanage but mom is going to write about that in the morning. Goodnight!


  1. Hey Lauren and Pam! Your blog is beautiful. So glad you're letting God use you in China. Praying for you for strength and health and blessings. Love, Janelle

  2. This was such a great post, Lauren. I would love to have seen you and your mom as "white super stars" to all of the locals. You bring a smile to my face girlie! I hope you are finding things to eat over there...keep up your strength. I am praying for you, sweet girl. Sending love and hugs from The Lou :)
